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10 Things Happy People Do Not Do

Let’s just mention that real happiness is found in giving,helping others, and contributing to
society; therefore, go ahead and volunteer to draw smiles on other’s faces.
Below are some things that happy people do NOT do:

1. Take More Than They Give
Ever tried applying the concept of giving? As Ben Carson says, “Happiness doesn’t result
from what we get, but from what we give.” Do you agree with this? Well, if you have tried
giving to others, you know that this provides such a satisfying sense of fulfillment.
Let’s take money as an example. Some studies of happiness have found that after
reaching the stage where you have enough money for the basic necessities, there are
only two ways money could help further. One of those ways is by moving you up the
social chart, and the other way is by giving some away. Thus, making money could be a
way to end unhappiness. So why not start thinking about helping others with the money
we are blessed with, and make a positive contribution to the world?

2. Be Part Of Drama
Drama is something that could cause a lot of problems to an individual and to others in
their circle, too. Are you the type of person that minds his own business, or do you like to
know more about others and ask, “Who did this,” and “Who did that?” Well, getting caught
up in other people’s business and relationships can bring drama to your house, something
you do not want to happen.
If you stress about who said what to whom and what happened to this and that person,
etc., things could get out of control. Happy people tend to look, think, and occupy their
brains with things they control or have some control over. Taking care of your life while
allowing others to live theirs could be the simplest act to ensure and maximize happiness.
However, don’t get this wrong. It’s not meant that we shouldn’t have friends and check on
them, or maybe even help them with their issues. We just don’t need to ask about things
they did or don’t want to talk about.

3. Be Ungrateful
Being grateful is a very appealing characteristic, because it can make a person very
happy. A nice quote goes as follows: “It is not happy people that are thankful. It is thankful
people that are happy.”
Gratitude can cover being appreciative and thankful for all the blessings one has, the way
people treat them, the beauty of the world, and many other things.
Be grateful for the things you have, because that brings about satisfaction and positive
energy in everyday life. Have you ever spent time being envious and wanting what other
people have? Do you think this gets you anywhere? I understand that it is a natural feeling
or thought, but we need to practice being content with what we already have so that we
stay happy and appreciate life.

4. Look At The Empty Half Of The Cup
Do you usually look at the ‘empty half of the cup’ or the ‘full half of the cup’ when put in
certain hardships or uncomfortable situations? Always look at the bright side of things,
because this waives of a lot of anger and negativity. Moreover, bad or hard circumstances
are a test of our happiness and positivity. If you are usually positive and happy, then you
will stay intact and unshaken.
The default for most people is to think long and hard about failures and to get stuck in the
problem; however, being truly happy will help you focus your efforts on the solution rather
than the problem. Just keep in mind that no matter how bad life brings you down, you can
always jump right back up.

5. Discard Relationships
Do you value your relationships with your friends and family and put in the required effort
and time? Nowadays, with all that we have to do in life, it is becoming harder and harder
to make time for other people that we care about and love, even though relationships are
a big part of happiness and something we need to take care of to stay happy.
Instead of pursuing a long career and advancement, caring only about the money we
make, we need to take some time off to value our relationships. Take it gradually and
replace a few extra work hours with hours that are spent with the closest ones to you.
Later in life, these memories will be the ones that matter most. You’ll value the time spent
with your family and friends on road trips, etc., so putting such times before money is key
to achieving happiness.

6. Define Themselves By Only One Thing
“The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of
every day.” This is so true because you have no option other than accepting where you
are if you want happiness. It’s always okay to want more, but appreciating your current
condition will serve you well.
Happy people do not allow themselves to be defined by only one aspect of life. They
might put a lot of value on relationships, but they still keep careers they enjoy doing and
have hobbies they love. Moreover, they love learning and growing as individuals. Did you
ever think about all this? If you limit yourself to one aspect and that goes wrong, you feel
doomed and lost.
Happy people don’t do that, so they are not overwhelmed or annoyed when one of their
daily elements races off the cliff. If they lose a friend, they still have a rewarding career. If
they get hurt or injured for some reason, they still possess wonderful relationships with
family and friends, and can have fun. Not putting all your money in one stock is a big step
in being a happy person, because if one stock goes racing down, there are other stocks
that are jumping up the charts.

7. Focus On Materialistic Things
Do you focus mostly on material things, or do you think deeper than that and make sure
you follow profound values and principles in life? Some people feel and think that
shopping, for example, will give birth to large episodes of happiness in the long run and
relieve stress in the short run. Others favor and value memories and experiences over
materialistic things.
Shopping is alright, and new clothes provide an incredible feeling to their owners, but
make sure not to make this your major concern. For instance, would you prefer travelling,
scuba diving, or just going shopping for a few shirts where you live? The shirts will help
you look good and everything, but there will be no story to tell.

8. Ignore Their Passions
Passions are activities or tasks that you love doing. Passions could range from school and
education to sports or driving fancy cars. There is no limitation in the field of passions, and
that is because it depends on you and what you love to do. Happy people just follow their
passions and don’t let go of them.
If you are enjoying something very much, why would you stop doing it? If you are unhappy
with your job, don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and explore another job you
would like better. You might find that a better job is available that will enable you to
support a family better or pursue your dreams. Changing fields could lead to some risk
initially, but happy people chase their dreams and are not afraid to.

9. Stay Unbalanced
Staying balanced is a very important factor that we need in our lives. It provides a sense
of security and comfort, knowing that everything will work out. Happy people are usually
happy with what they have and do not spend time or waste effort thinking about things
they don’t have. On the other hand, unhappy people spend too much time thinking about
what they don’t have.
Happy people lead balanced lives, where they make time for all the important things, such
as family, health, religion, and career.

10. Mistreat Others
Would you rather have a friend who mistreats you, acts disrespectfully, and is dishonest,
or would you rather have a friend who is quite the opposite? A rich person can have all the
money he wants, but if he’s mistreating others, he’ll lose friends. So, money is not the
most important thing. Manners are more important.
There is a nice and simple way to think about this. Just treat others like you would like
them to treat you. If you are thinking of doing something not so nice, ask yourself, “Would
I like someone to do that to me ?” Happy people tend to conform to the golden rule,
treating others like they would like others to treat them. They treat people with respect and
kindness, and thus get the same reaction from others most of the time.
Happy people have their “dos” and “don’ts.” While happy people enjoy doing things they
love to do to maintain their happiness, the above are just some of the things they do not
do. They avoid the “don’ts” because they know that they might be jeopardizing their
happiness, which will pull down all the branches associated with this firmly grounded tree.

Culled from inspower

10 Things Happy People Do Not Do 10 Things Happy People Do Not Do Reviewed by Newnow on 8:17 am Rating: 5

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