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Senate backs Hillary Clinton,leave Sanders in the cold

About 40 Senate Democrats have lined up behind Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Not one has come forward for Mr. Sanders.Mr. Sanders’s loner status was brought into sharp relief last week when Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, declared Mrs. Clinton his pick. “I think the middle class would be better served by Hillary,” he said.
Senate Democrats insist Mr. Sanders is not their version of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who has failed to get a single Republican Senate endorsement in large part because he is loathed.
Everyone likes Bernie. Honestly! Even, they say, if he is like your father’s childhood friend who sits at the dinner table after everyone has had a second cup of coffee to continue his rant about the earned-income tax credit.

“It’s totally positive. It is not negative toward anyone else,” said Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, an early endorser of Mrs. Clinton. “That’s the difference between our side and theirs. Also, don’t forget many of us did serve with Hillary in the Senate, so there’s a lot of history there.”
Senate backs Hillary Clinton,leave Sanders in the cold Senate backs Hillary Clinton,leave Sanders in the cold Reviewed by Newnow on 4:41 pm Rating: 5

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